Summary of Strategic Plan

A strategic plan was created to provide contextualization for the objectives and activities of Copyright Advisory Services. In particular, Copyright Advisory Services is required to serve the University as a whole, providing support to faculty and students in their scholarly and research endeavors.
Mission and Mandate
In order to carry out its role effectively, Copyright Advisory Services requires a clear mission and mandate. The mission of Copyright Advisory Services, as articulated in its Strategic Plan, is to create awareness, understanding and respect for copyright and copyright management practices while advocating for a robust environment that promotes preservation, access and scholarly communications. The Mandate for Copyright Advisory Services is two-fold, focused first on copyright education for faculty and students at Columbia University and second on advocacy both nationally and internationally about copyright issues affecting scholarly communications.
Four Objectives have been articulated as a means of carrying out the mission and mandate of Copyright Advisory Services. Initiatives have been identified and will continue to evolve as copyright issues and the technological means to deliver education and scholarly communications evolve as well. The Four Objectives, however, will throughout the following three years remain constant. They are to:
- Create copyright awareness for Columbia University faculty and students
- Provide Columbia University professional staff with copyright support
- Provide Columbia University leadership with strategic copyright support
- Maintain the Columbia University Copyright Advisory Services as a leading presence on national and international issues about copyright.