Copyright Advisory Services Past Initiatives
Fair Use Week 2023

Fair Use Week February 20-24, 2023
Together with the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) we celebrate the week by marking Columbia University Libraries' commitment to robust fair use. Now called Fair Use/Fair Dealing Week, ARL has posted great nformation about fair use and recent cases. Check out their very helpful fair use infographic explaining fair use fundamentals and why it is so important to libraries and our scholarly commumity!
Copyright and Dissertations Workshop
The GSAS Writing Studio and Copyright Advisory Services will be hosting an online copyright workshop for GSAS doctoral candidates on April 6, 2022 from 1:00pm-2:30pm.
Rina Elster Pantalony, Director of Copyright Advisory Services at Columbia University Libraries, will lead this 90-minute workshop on how to avoid potential last-minute, dissertation-related copyright issues. She will recommend resources and answer questions from students.
Online Copyright Education Pilot Program for Libraries, Archives & Museums
Copyright Advisory Services in partnership with LYRASIS launched a pilot program of five online copyright education courses in the spring of 2021 for professionals working in libraries, archives and museums. The courses are offered on the LYRASIS Learning platform. Read More
The base course, Copyright 101, produced in the spring of 2021, was intended as a baseline copyright course and is a free resource. The recording of the class is available on the LYRASIS Learning platform.
Advanced courses covering topics such as finding the public domain, exceptions and limitations, fair use and operational copyright management are also offered.
Copyright Advisory Services and LYRASIS developed an Advisory Board for the pilot at the outset in 2020. See Advisory Board Members for more information.
Background Research
In January of 2020, Columbia University Library's Copyright Advisory Services together with partners Ithaka S+R and LYRASIS released their Issues Brief on the viability of a virtual copyright education center for professionals working in libraries, archives and museums.
The Issues Brief, entitled Copyright Education in Libraries, Archives and Museums: A 21st Century Approach summarizes collaborative discussions held during a roundtable meeting at Columbia University Libraries in July 2019. The roundtable and the preparation and publication of the Issues Brief was generously supported by a grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.
In 2018, Copyright Advisory Services released a feasibility study on the creation of a virtual education center about copyright.The study, funded by a LYRASIS Catalyst Grant, examines the potential and requirements for the development of a virtual education space about copyright for librarians, archivists and museum professionals. To access a copy of the study Read More...
Fair Use Week 2020

Come learn about fair use and get some sweet treats! Come to the lobby of the Butler Library on Thursday, February 27, 2020 from 11:30am to 1pm. Grab some treats, a Fair Use Week button and other Copyright Advisory Services giveaways and ask us copyright questions!
Copyright & Contracts for Freelancers
Join Rina Elster Pantalony, Director, Copyright Advisory Services and Kae Bara Kratcha, Entrepreneurship Librarian, for an overview of copyright, contracts and IP for freelancers.
Friday, November 15, 2019 from 1-3pm
Music and Arts Library, 701 Dodge Seminar Room
Please register to attend: https://events.
Open Access Week Copyright Workshop
Authors, have you signed your rights away in your publishing agreements?
Come to a workshop co-hosted by Digital Scholarship and Copyright Advisory Services during Open Access Week to learn how to reclaim your author rights. The workshop will be held on October 22, 2019 from noon to 1pm in the Studio at Butler, Room 208(B).
For more information and to register, click here.Copyright Issues and Dissertations
The GSAS Writing Studio hosts copyright workshop once per semester in the GSAS Writing Studio Seminar Room, 321 Lehman Library. Since Spring 2020, workshops have been conducted on zoom.
Rina Elster Pantalony, Director of Copyright Advisory Services at Columbia University Libraries, leads these 90-minute workshop on how to avoid potential last-minute, dissertation-related copyright issues. She will recommend resources and answer questions from students.
This workshop is open to PhD candidates in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. For more information and to register for the workshop, click here.
LYRASIS Webinar on Copyright Education
On October 11, 2018 from 3pm-4pm EST LYRASIS will be hosting an online presentation given by Rina Elster Pantalony, Director, Copyright Advisory Services about the findings of Columbia's Feasibility Study on the Creation of a Virtual Center for Copyright Education for Professionals in Libraries, Archives and Museums.
This study was funded by a 2017 LYRASIS Catalyst Fund grant. Registration is fee for both members and non-members of LYRASIS.
Navigating the Research Enterprise: Focus on Publishing - April 10, 2018
Columbia postdoctoral and graduate students, do not miss this program! Find out how to build your academic brand in the onine environment.
Join Columbia University's Office of Executive Vice President for Research, Columbia University's Copyright Advisory Services and Columbia University Libraries for a half day discussion on copyright issues related to scholarly communication and research, the use of social media in research, and publishing research output. This program will be held on Tuesday, April 10, 2018 from 2pm to 6pm in the Davis Auditorium.
Annual Fair Use Week Lecture - February 26, 2018
Join Columbia's Copyright Advisory Services for its second annual Fair Use Week Lecture, on February 26, 2018 at 10am in the Butler Library, Room 523.
This year, we have invited Professor Tomas Lipinski as our guest speaker. Professor Lipinski is the Dean of the School of Information Studies at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. Holding both a PhD in Library and Information Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and and a Masters in Law (LLM) from The John Marshall Law School, Professor Lipinski will be tackling the thorny issue of the the application of fair use outside the United States, and whether we need an international treaty or international legal instrument to facilitate cross-border scholarly communications of digital materials. His lecture is entitled "Exporting Fair Use: Challenges and Opportunities". A more fulsome abstract of his lecture will be circulated prior to the event and there will be an opportunity to ask questions at the conclusion of his lecture.
SIA-WIPO JOINT SYMPOSIUM 2017: ADR for Art and Cultural Heritage Disputes - September 26, 2017
Join Columbia's Copyright Advisory Services, Queen Mary University of London's School of International Abritration and the World Intellectual Property Organization's Abitration and Mediation Center for a one day symposium at Columbia University examining the viability and applicability of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms in resolving art and cultural heritage disputes.
What to Expect
This Symposium is an intensive one-day event that will explore the use of mediation and arbitration for the resolution of art and cultural heritage disputes, and discuss opportunities for tailoring ADR processes for such disputes.
Topics will include:
- Contracts, intellectual property and disputes relating to art and cultural heritage
- Benefits and limitations of ADR in the art and cultural heritage sector
- Perspective of cultural heritage organizations and perspectives from the art market
- Views from the perspective of the living artist
- Learning from past cases
- Institutional ethics and dispute resolution policies
- Drafting efective mediation and arbitration clauses and
- submission agreements
- WIPO model clauses and submission agreements
- Expertise of the tribunal; expert evidence
- Expedited Arbitration
- Confidentiality
Who Should Attend
This seminar is designed for both art market professionals and art and cultural heritage experts and administrators responsible for risk assessments and decision making, mediators, arbitrators, lawyers and others wishing to familiarize themselves with the mediation and arbitration processes and their application in the context of art and cultural heritage disputes.
Date, Place and Time
Date: Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Place: Room 523 Butler Library, Columbia University, See MAP
Time: 8:30am - 3:30pm
Symposium Agenda and List of Speakers
For the symposium agenda and list of speakers SEE AGENDA
Speaker biographies are available HERE

Patron Sponsor

Copyright Advisory Services of Columbia University, Columbia University Libraries thanks Herrick, Feinstein LLP for its patron sponsorship.
Media Sponsor

Copyright Advisory Services of Columbia University Libraries thanks TDM as its media sponsor.